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Tools used for this project:

  • SvelteKit
  • Cypress
  • TypeScript
  • Sass

Status: Finished



  • Server-side rendering
  • On load and scroll animations
  • Data prefecting

My portfolio was a small personal project I started, that only I have worked on. The result is the website you are currently visiting.

Because I was the only person involved in this project, I had the full freedom to choose wathever technologies I wanted. When deciding, I recently had some experience with both React and Vue. But I had also recently heard a lot about Svelte and SvelteKit. For me it seemed so simple and elegant and I wanted to try it out for myself. Thats the main reason why this website is build using SvelteKit.

I also wanted to learn more about testing, continuous integration and continuous delivery. Cypress was a tool I had just heard about and started looking more into. I decided to use it for testing in this project, and have not regretted it. Together with cypress I also looked into and added piplines/actions to my GitHub. So whenever I pushed some new code to the repository, it automatically get's build, tested and then published if every test are passed.

The hardest task for this project was probably to come up with a design I was happy with. I wanted something that I was genuenlly happy with and something that fit me as well as it was easy to understand and use. My first version looked OK+, but it had some flaws. Specially for readability. Some of the fonts were very thin and the contrasts between the background and forground made it a little to hard to read.

I completely redesigned the whole page for version 2.0. This is the current design used today. Although I was happy with the first outcome, there was a lot of tweeking throughout the process.

I'm really happy with the result of the current version. But I also think this is a project I will continue developing as I get new ideas for things I want to add.
